Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Cannibus Cookies in the Lunchline

ADD & THC... Two epidemics plaguing the minds of parents around the country. Now, what would these parents say if they discovered THC or marijuana was the cure for their child’s attention deficit disorder?? As a parent, how far are you willing to go to ensure quality of life for your child? Is it not your duty as a parent to pursue all potential avenues of happiness for your child? The debate over medical marijuana is more prevalent than ever and this new research suggesting a positive correlation between the “drug” and ADD should encourage lawmakers to genuinely reconsider their extremist reefer madness perspectives.
As a teenager I utilized the benefits of both Adderall (the current doctor prescribed remedy for ADD) and pot, and acknowledge the reciprocal relationship that thrives among the two. At the end of the day marijuana is often the only thing capable of establishing an equilibrium after being under the influence of Adderall all day. While Adderall does have blatant advantages when it comes to work ethic and productivity, it has a devastating effect on user’s personalities and appetites. (See my article on Adderall below for more information)

I am not sure whether or not medical marijuana is the cure for ADD. However, I hope this research will shed light on the benefits and harmless nature of marijuana when used responsibly. Marijuana has such a negative connotation in society and the only way to distance the substance from such an unfair reputation is devout and unbiased scientific research. Knowledge is power…

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